29 N Howell Street 517-437-7758

Central Dispatch 9-1-1

Director - Thomas Whitaker

Email: t.whitaker@co.hillsdale.mi.us

Deputy Director - Tommy Smith

Email: t.smith@co.hillsdale.mi.us

Telephone: (517) 523-9911
Fax: (517) 797-4945

Central Dispatch Information

204 Development Dr.
Hillsdale, MI 49242

8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.


Hillsdale County 9-1-1/Central Dispatch is the public service answering point (PSAP) for Hillsdale County. We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with 10 full-time dispatchers. 

All calls made to 9-1-1 within Hillsdale County are routed through our communications center. When a 9-1-1 call is answered, the dispatcher first obtains important information from the caller such as the location and nature of the call while their partner dispatches (sends) the appropriate emergency response agency.

Hillsdale County 9-1-1/Central Dispatch is funded solely by a 9-1-1 surcharge that is applied to your telephone bill.  The 9-1-1 surcharge may be applied to any device that has the capability of accessing the 9-1-1 network such as land line telephones, cellular telephones, and Voice over Internet Phones (VoIP). Absolutely no general fund tax dollars supplement the dispatch center's operations, maintenance, or equipment.

Mission Statement

To provide efficient and effective routing of Public Safety Services in a courteous and professional manner to the citizens of Hillsdale County.


If you would like a speaker to educate your group about 9-1-1 services, Smart 9-1-1, or the RAVE Alert program, Please contact us at the phone number above. We would be honored to speak to you and/or your group.



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